Nach 11 Jahren kommt hier das lang-erwartete Debut-Album von Victims of Classwar. Anfänglich eher dem metallischen Crust Punk zuzuordnen, bekommt man hier eine Mischung aus Extrem/Black/Death Metal um die Ohren gehauen.
Bandcamp: https://victimsofclasswar.bandcamp.com/album/invitation-to-a-funeral
All of our products are very rare and hard limited. You can get tough music for little money, so you support the local scene. FUCKED products are always fuckin' good.
Chris & Lars
store owner
FUCKED records is a music label for disturbing rock music for uplifting gormandizers. We are from Chemnitz and we stay here. Vinyls, CDs, Tapes, Shirts, Pics, Guitars. We love all of this. Make music not war!